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By Shane/Rudra

Tendrilling is the act of creating tendrils made out of energy generally for the purpose of draining energies of another. All in all, it is considered one of the most basic methods of combat due to the ease of it.


Though keep in mind, the tendrils are still completely made out of energy, as in, they aren’t going to be apart of your etheric body unless you are capable of shapeshifting/polymorphing. Do to such, it is usually best to dissipate them after the fact.


Anyways though, doing it is, in fact, a pretty easy procedure, decide exactly where you wish for them to form, I would suggest the wrists though as it’s easiest to move them around that way at the start. Now then, once you have done such, begin to send out energy from there in a ripe like manner, make sure it’s flexible then solidify it. Generally it should be similar to a rose but easily retractable, you’ll modify them as time goes on.


Now that you have done such, guess what? You have tendrils, the next portion is Tendrilling itself, you usually just wrap the person up with the tendril or something similar and begin to use those tendrils to hold them in place, and start “sucking” the energy of the person out through them back to your energy system.


Though keep in mind tendrils can be used for many different functions other than combat, such as some people have used it to aid in soul diving, etc.

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