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By Shane/Rudra

Vampires… This is a rather controversial in most communities and has sparked much debate and drama in the OECs (Online Energy Communities)... So I will touch down on it and attempt to clear up any misconceptions.


What is Vampirism?

Vampirism is the act of taking blood or energy from another living being in order to use it to either 1. Feed you, or 2. Boost your energy levels for the time being… This can either be needed (by some races, etc). Be something one just chooses to do, or provoked from damage in the energy system.



Vampiric Race- Some races are Vampiric by nature, but even so, most of the races that have such don’t literally need to do such to survive, and just do such as it is one of the “methods” to boost themselves. One good example is the Succubi/Incubi, they don’t need to vamp others, as in, there life does not depend on it, but they can do it, and commonly do so. (With their partners usually, not some random people xD)


Damage Induced Vampirism- Damage can induce the need to vamp from others as to how it does such… Generally speaking this only occurs when the system of the person can not produce enough energy to properly sustain itself. This can be related to the simple manner as to how the energy system works, such as a defect, etc. (A good example would be too small meridians). Or just straight up damage in the energy system, such as a large hole causing a leakage. Albeit, there are really rare cases where it is involved in the physical vessel of the person.


Mental Induced Vampirism- This is normally the vampires that are said to either have a mental disorder, or simply too much love for fantasy. Normally it involves someone who thinks or wants to have the need to vamp, and thus, they begin to placebo themselves into thinking that they get sick, etc, without it. This is the most common vampire in the OVC (Online Vampire Communities).


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