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By Shane/Rudra

Otherkin is something that is widely misunderstood and twisted in most online communities, why? Because so many people wish to be special so therefor they change the actual definition of otherkin to make it so they can also call themselves such. But what is otherkin?


Otherkin is a term that is basically saying that said person has a soul of something that’s not human. Or well, there original life is not human. Many people also count the past lives other than that but it is a simple fact that those don’t change the race of your soul, or core. So therefor your kinity is still decided by your first life.


But what are the many misconceptions on this? One is the whole psychological kin bullshit. This is basically when someone claims that they are something not human due to relating deeply or wanting to be something and so therefor they claim it… Are these real otherkin? No. Are they delusional? Generally speaking yes.

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