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By Shane/Rudra

Thoughtforms are something in the communities that are understood, but yet, not understood at the same time. Meaning, half of people understand what they are, while the other half do not and create delusions around them.


Now then exactly what are thoughtforms? Well thoughtforms are literally just that, thoughts given form. No, they do not literally have form and rather, that’s all in your head, but in that case, why use them? Simple thing is, I would say there is no purpose to using them beyond telepathy to better convey thoughts or when inserting something mentally into another.


Though, there are things such as Tulpas, which go a step beyond and is rather, creating a thoughtform by breaking off a part of your personality, by excluding it, and then giving it a second voice… Which is basically creating a second personality, which, can lead to MPD, etc.

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